Kyle Moreau

Personal Trainer

Kyle has been an athlete from a very young age competing at a high level in nearly all sports including volleyball at the college level. His dad got him into lifting weights when he was 14 yrs old and he has since competed in multiple body building shows. He attended St. Clair College and graduated at the top of his class in fitness and health promotion and is also a student of human kinetics at the University of Windsor. His passion lies in helping people become the best version of themselves no matter the goal. Kyle specializes in optimal form and movement patterns and strength and conditioning. He is always striving to learn and be better. Let Kyle’s knowledge and personal experiences help you do the same!

    Meet The Whole Team

    Shawn Brady

    Shawn Brady

    Owner / Personal Trainer

    Rich Fleming

    Rich Fleming

    Personal Trainer

    Luc Bernatchez

    Luc Bernatchez

    Personal Trainer

    Brandon Neto

    Brandon Neto

    Personal Trainer